‘Permission’ ft. Mo•Louie

Artist Management | PR | Spotify Pitching

Intergalactic alien, Dirty Versachi has landed on earth alongside their good friend Mo•Louie to bring you their new single ‘Permission’.

2021 has seen Dirty Versachi slay the year releasing 2 singles, whilst surviving the world’s harshest lockdown in Melbourne. Dirty Vesrachi’s tracks ‘Sticky Fingers’ and ‘Resting Power’ has cemented them as a producer and artist creating intimate and introspective music that is club-ready.


“I’m inspired to create dance music that expresses intimacy and vulnerability, whilst also celebrating what makes us unique. Creating dance music and hosting events, where people can feel safe to express themselves, inspires me because dancing is a powerful medium that encourages unity. In the music industry, there is the lack of queer and non-binary representation. Early on in my journey as an artist, I was told to “hide my queerness” if I wanted to succeed. I’ve been working hard, alongside my community, to stand against such toxic perspectives.”

‘Resting Power’

Artist Management | Video Premiere | Spotify Pitching

Premiere: Kaltblut Magazine

“‘Resting Power’ allows Dirty Versachi the space to explore and grow their identity through new sounds and creative ideas, in pursuit of a more sonically expansive creative project than their previous works and collaborations.”


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